Outdoor vs Indoor

Photo Workshop, 2015
In collaboration with social worker Meike Ørndrup, the social worker organisation Københavnerteamet, and Metroselskabet/Byens Hegn.

Picture by Ali El-Yassir.
Picture by Belinda Aref Ramochi.

Raising awareness about how youngsters of non-Danish ethnic background use and live in public and private spaces.
Fighting the negative discourse about the so-called ghetto areas in Nørrebro.
Helping the participants to raise their voices though the creation of visual narratives combined with texts.

Tangible outcomes:
• Series of visual narratives.
• Outdoor exhibition at Byens Hegn, Enghave Plads
• Publication of an analytical catalogue collecting the visual narratives and insights from the process.

Funded by: Byens Hegn & Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstudvalg